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Ayni: Ceremony to the Pachamama

High up in the Andean Mountains of Peru, the locals celebrate mother earth with traditional rituals.

Ayni: Ceremony to the Pachamama

Pachamama, goddess of the earth or mother earth, is a revered goddess of the indigenous people of the Andes. She is the wife of Pachácamac, god of the air, and her children are Inti, the sun god, and Killa, goddess of the moon. According to Inca legend, Pachamama is an ever-present and independent deity who controls fertility, presides over planting and harvesting, and causes earthquakes. She alone has the creative power to sustain life on earth and take it away. When problems regarding the land arise, it is believed to be because people are taking too much from Pachamama.

Because of the importance of Pachamama in the everyday life of the Andean people, she is celebrated many different ways. People usually toast to her honor before every meeting or festivity, oftentimes spilling a small amount of chicha on the floor before drinking the rest. This toast is called a challa and is made almost every day. Pachamama also has a specific worship day called martes de challa, which translates to challa Tuesday. On this day, assisted by priests, people will bury food, burn incense and make offerings in order to bring the good will of the goddess.

Ayni: Ceremony to the Pachamama

In the Andes, there is a special offering ceremony to Pachamama. Some people refer to it as a payment whereas others simply call it Ayni, which means to live in reciprocity and harmony with the earth and all its components. This ceremony is typically carried out throughout the entire month of August, but is also celebrated throughout the year. During the ceremony, prayers are made for health, work, prosperity and protection. Each prayer is made with three undamaged coca leaves, as well as a number of other elements, such as sweets, wool, myrrh, incense, animal fat and a variety of foods and herbs. It is important to note that the offerings must be prepared by initiated people, such as Andean priests, healers and shaman who strictly abide by the ancient rules of rituals and ceremonies. The offering of these gifts provides strength for the Pachamama so that she can continue generating life and blessing the land.

During Inca times, Pachamama was considered a harsh goddess who was always anxious to collect her sacrifices. During that time, the Incas would make sacrifices of llama or cuy (guinea pigs), and even burn llama fetus’. Today, offerings of this sort are less common but not unheard of.

Ayni: Ceremony to the Pachamama

After Peru was conquered by Spain, the Spanish forced the native people to convert to Roman Catholicism which is still dominant in the country today. However, in some of the more rural areas of Peru where the full force of Catholicism couldn’t reach, the Pachamama became united with the Virgin Mary, transforming into a benevolent and giving holy figure, sometimes referred to as the “good mother.”

It is truly an honor to take part or witness a ceremony of the Pachamama in Peru. The Andes Mountains are known for their energy, intensity and magnetism. At the center of that is the Pachamama who brings clarity, wellbeing and peace to the lives of the Andean people. Coming to know the Pachamama is a spiritual process that helps you to connect with your inner being and appreciate nature on a new level.

At Enigma, we offer spiritual and cross-cultural experiences that allow you to connect with and understand indigenous culture and practices first-hand. Accompanied by a local shaman, you are invited to witness and partake in a 100% authentic experience that has been practiced in the mountains for hundreds of years.






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