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The Majestic Andean Condor of Peru

The Andean condor is the largest vulture in the world and a species that will surely impress any visitor to Peru.

The Majestic Andean Condor of Peru

As perhaps the most majestic bird in South America, the Andean condor (Vultur gryphus) is the national symbol of Peru – an enormous bird that can weigh up to 33 pounds (15 kilos) and have a wingspan of approximately 10 feet (3 meters). This extraordinary creature is the largest raptor in the world and was an important animal of the spirit world according to Inca cosmology.

It is easy to tell the sex of an Andean condor because the males are usually larger than the females, have yellow eyes, a large neck wattle and a distinctive comb on the top of their heads. As juveniles, the bird’s plumage is brown, but at about six years of age, the condor will develop its black and white adult coloring.

The Majestic Andean Condor of Peru

The Andean condor has excellent eyesight and can spot a meal from very high up in the air. Despite being such a large and intimidating bird, like all species of vultures, it finds most of its food after it is already dead. And as strong and impressive as they may appear, the condor’s curved beak is not as strong as those of other birds, though it is ideal for tearing rotten flesh. The condor has a high tolerance for bacteria, but even though it is able to consume rancid meat, it much prefers fresh food and can consume more than 15 pounds (6.8 kilos) of meat in one sitting. After such a large meal, the bird may not be able to fly for several hours.

In fact, because the condor is so large and heavy, flying is actually quite difficult. For that reason, the birds thrive in mountainous regions where there is a lot of wind to help them soar so seemingly effortlessly throughout the skies on thermal drifts. They live on the highest peaks, nesting in rocky crags in the mountains and cliff sides, and sometimes roosting in small groups.

These impressive birds inhabit 13 different regions throughout Peru and can also be found in Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay, Ecuador and Colombia. In Peru, the Colca Canyon – located approximately four hours from the ´white city´ of Arequipa – is famous for being a prime condor habitat and excellent location for spotting the enormous legendary birds. Venturing deep into the canyon, the deepest point – Mirador Cruz del Condor – is the best location for condor sightings.

For visitors to the Colca Canyon, a condor sighting is however never guaranteed. The best time for spotting them is during the dry season between May and December, although it is not unheard of to see condor in the canyon during the rainy season. Those who are lucky enough to spot condors in the canyon will typically see them flying at relatively close range as they swoop past the cliff edges and soar over the mountains.

The Majestic Andean Condor of Peru

It is believed that the greatest number of Andean condors in the world can be found in Peru. In 2016 it was estimated that there were between 600 and 2,500 condors living in Peru from the coast, mountains and even parts of the Amazon.

However, due to habitat loss, their numbers are dwindling and the bird has already been declared extinct in Brazil and Venezuela. Moreover, these majestic birds are prey to human activity and are sometimes killed by farmers who believe that they are responsible for the death of their livestock. In reality, the condor is a scavenging bird and typically only feeds on carrion. Because mated condor pairs only produce one egg every two years, the recovery of the species is precarious and may take a very long time. For that reason, the protection of this unique and iconic bird is crucial to its survival.






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